Devastating wildfires erupted on the Hawaiian island of Maui on Aug. 8.
※wildfire 急速に燃え広がる炎、山火事、 ※辞書にはforest fireも ※豪での山火事、森林火災はbushfire
As of Sep 2, the death toll from the wildfires has risen to 115.
Authorities have so far confirmed 115 fatalities.

A number of residents jumped into the water off Maui as they tried to escape the flaming debris and overheated black smoke enveloping downtown.
※flaming debris 燃え立つ瓦礫
※envelop 包む、覆う

An inferno reduced the picturesque seaside town of Lahaina to ash and rubble.
※inferno 猛火、烈火、灼熱地獄、地獄絵図
※picturesque 絵になる、絵のように美しい
※reduce ~ to ash and rubble 灰と瓦礫にする
A blaze leveled the resort town, obliterating buildings and melting cars.
※level 平らにする、〔建物などを〕跡形もなくする
Dry conditions and strong winds left Maui vulnerable to what has become the deadliest natural disaster in the state's history.
Wind gusts topping 60 mph ripped through the town, causing the flames to spread exceptionally quickly.
※gust 突風
➾gale force wind ※gale 気象用語で『強風』
Researchers believe drought, hurricane winds, and the spread of non-native grasses make excellent fuel.
“Invasive grasses are very ignitable. They change the landscape.”
※drought 干ばつ
※non-native 土着でない
※invasive species=侵略的外来種
※ignitable 点火しやすい ➾flammable 可燃性の、燃えやすいinflammable
Witnesses say sparks from power lines ignited fires as utility poles snapped in the winds.
※spark 火花 ➾flash 閃光
※power line 送電線、電力線
※ignite 火をつける、点火する
※utility pole 電柱
※snap ポキンと折れる
A class-action lawsuit has already been filed seeking to hold Hawaian Electrics responsible for the deaths of at least 99 people.

今年150周年 sesquicentennial anniversaryを迎えるラハイナのシンボル的存在のバニヤンの木も傷ついた姿です。その復活は人々の希望の星となっています。
Lahaina has deep significance in Hawaiian history as the one-time capital of former Hawaiian kingdom. Amid the charred ruins of Lahaina, one of the historic town’s cherished landmarks is still standing: a 150-year-old banyan tree. The iconic banyan tree has emerged as a symbol of hope as people lost homes and loved ones in wildfires.