A headless body was found at a hotel in Sapporo at a hotel in the Susukino entertainment district on July 2.
※entertainment district=歓楽街、遊び場→繁華街bustling area
※red-light district=赤線地区、風俗街
The body of a man whose head was severed was found at a hotel in Susukino.
The victim was found decapitated. ➾beheaded
※decapitate=首をはねる、斬首する、頭を切り落とす ➾behead

A security camera footage at the hotel showed two men entering the room together. Later, one man leaves the room, wheeling a suitcase.
The man was identified to be Hitoshi Ura(62). An autopsy revealed that Ura died of hemorrhagic shock due to losing blood from stab wounds.

The victim had attended a disco event popular among the LGBT community before checking in at a hotel where the incident occurred.
※女装するdisguise oneself as a woman
※女装趣味 He is a transvestite. ➾cross-dresser

Runa and Osamu Tamura were held on suspicion of destruction, possession and abandonment of a body. Later, they were served fresh arrest warrants for allegedly murdering Ura.
※arrest warrant 逮捕令状
Mr Tamura is a psychiatrist at a hospital in Sapporo.
The younger Tamura is believed to have committed the murder herself and her parents are suspected accomplices.
the two had purchased a saw and a suitcase in Sapporo. ※sawノコギリ
He was suspected of dropping off and picking up Ms. Tamura at the hotel.
Her father is under suspicion of fetching her to and from the hotel.
※fetch 行って取ってくる、行って連れて来る ➾ferry(人を車で)運ぶ、連れて行く
”Monster parent”(和製英語) are parents who make unreasonable demands on teachers and schools.
“Helicopter parents" hover over their children like a helicopter, protecting and spying on them endlessly. helicopter parents
※Helicopter parents〈米俗〉過干渉[過保護]な親 ➾lawnmower parents ※lawnmower芝刈り機
※過保護な親 ※overprotective parents
※過保護に育った子供 ※an overprotected child