
Mount Fuji is Japan’s tallest mountain, rising 3,776 meters above sea level. It is located near the country’s center, straddling Shizuoka and Yamanashi Prefectures.

※straddle またぐ、またがる/(米略)日和見的な態度を取る


Mt. Fuji's first climbing season since the lifting of COVID-19 restrictions saw swarms of visitors from home and abroad.

※swarm (ハチなど昆虫の)群れ ➾crowd ➾flock


However, it was marred by a string of incidents, with some climbers failing to follow etiquette while others dangerously underestimated the hike.

※mar 損なう、台無しにする 

※a string of 一連の 

※underestimate 過小評価する

"Bullet climbing", where climbers attempt to scale Japan's tallest peak for sunrise and descend on the same day, is a growing headache, authorities say. With no explicit rules against doing so, mountaineers who were unable to secure accommodation at the lodges took naps on the hiking trails, exacerbating congestion issues.

※explicit 明確な

※exacerbate 悪化する

※congestion 混雑


Rescue requests totaled 61 this year, up 50% from last year, with non-Japanese tourists accounting for a quarter, according to Shizuoka prefecture police. An official said most were poorly equipped, suffering hypothermia or altitude sickness.

※hypothermia 低体温症

※(high)altitude sickness 高山病 ➾mountain sickness


Mount Fuji sported its first snowcap of the season on the morning of Oct. 5, three days later than normal and five days later than last year, the Kofu Local Meteorological Office said.

Japan's highest peak, Mount Fuji, has been capped with snow for the first time this season.

※sport 見せびらかす、(自慢気に)披露する
