
The 25-year-old member of the Cosmos Troupe, one of the Takarazuka Revue Company’s five troupes, was found dead on the grounds of her apartment building on Sept. 30. Police suspect she committed suicide.

※revue〈フランス語〉 当世の出来事を風刺するような、歌、踊り、スキットなどから構成されるミュージカル・バラエティー・ショー。

※troupe=(俳優、歌手、軽業師などの)一座、一団 troop(軍隊)と同じ音 ➾company


The actress, who had been with the company for six years, is not being named. Her family has chosen to remain anonymous because of the stigma(汚名) still attached to suicide in Japan. Performances of the Cosmos Troupe, remain suspended until Dec 14.


Formed in 1913, a prestigious all-female theatre company has achieved cult status in Japan.  The troupe is highly sought after by aspiring young female singers and dancers.

There's fierce competition to join it.  ※2023年の倍率は15.3倍

The theater company’s motto literally translates "be pure, be proper and be beautiful."

※prestigious 名声のある、格式高い

※cult 崇拝、あこがれ/狂信的教団、熱狂

※sought after 人気の ※aspiring意欲溢れ鵜

※fierce competition 過酷な競争、熾烈な争い 


The company is known for its rigid hierarchy and discipline passed down as “tradition.” An alumna said, there were unique “customs,” such as making students bow toward trains that might have senior students on board.

※rigid 厳格な


※discipline しつけ、規律、折檻 語源:disciple弟子

※alumna〔学校の〕女性の卒業生 PL:alumnae 

The school training girls to become actresses in the Takarazuka Revue (宝塚音楽学校)has abolished irrational unwritten rules observed for decades.

※abolish 廃止する ➾scrap/do away with

※unwritten rules 不文律  ➾outmoded rules/harassment-like rules


A lawyer representing the bereaved family has released a report compiled by an investigation team made up of outside lawyers. The team pointed out that in addition to a hectic schedule, "It cannot be ruled out that she was under immense psychological pressure" due to schooling by senior members.

※hectic 多忙を極める、てんてこまいの



The head of Takarazuka Revue expressed condolences for the bereaved family members. He said the investigation could not confirm if the woman was bullied or harassed.

※expressed condolences哀悼の意を表明する

※bully いじめる ➾今回は使われていませんでしたが、hazeという語もあります。〔特に新入生を〕いじめる、しごく、からかう