
Japan's New Year's Day was roiled by a powerful earthquake. ➾quake/tremor

※roil (心を)いらだたせる、(ものを)かきまぜる、平安を乱す、騒然とさせる


People duck for cover at a supermarket in Toyama. ➾ huddle

※duck かがんで身を隠す、かわす ※huddle身を寄せ合う、うずくまる


The quake with a magnitude of 7.6 prompted people to flee to higher ground as tsunami waves swept cars and houses into the water.

※flee 逃げる


The epicenter was in the Noto area and the focus was about 10 kilometers deep.

The Meteorological Agency (気象庁)said 219 aftershocks had hit by 10 a.m. on Jan. 2.  

※aftershock 余震 ⇔ 本震 main shock/main tremor

The Noto Peninsula Earthquake caused ground uplift along the coast.


A seven-story reinforced concrete building toppled over. The earthquake flattened a temple gate.

※topple over 崩れ落ちる ➾collapse  ➾upend ひっくり返す



An Asaichi-dori street, a well-known tourist attraction was engulfed by fire. Buildings in an area of about 500 meters square burned to the ground. Plumes of white smoke rose above Wajima. 

※engulf 飲み込む ※plumes大きな羽、羽状に空中にあがったもの                                                


More than 100 landslides occurred along coastal areas of the Noto Peninsula. Many people are believed to be buried alive in collapsed houses.   


A road buckled by the earthquake.  (写真キャプション)※buckle 曲げる、ねじる

Severed roads and cave-ins are hampering efforts to transport relief supplies. 

※sever 切断する、断つ ※cave-in 陥没、落盤

1月3日の見出しには、生存率が急激に低下する『72時間の壁』 が迫る中の救助活動について言及されていました。

Ishikawa quake rescue efforts ramp up as crucial time window narrows.

※ramp up 増える ※time window 時間枠                                        


The earthquake swarm has been occurring since the end of 2020.

※swarm 蜂の群れ【地質】同じ地質的特徴を持った群  ➾cluster earthquakes/a series of quakes


The Noto Peninsula has multiple underwater active faults. The quake on Jan 1 was caused by a movement of active submarine faults that had been dormant for 4000 years.


Stranded residents were flown to safety by Self-Defense Forces’ helicopters on Jan. 17.

※strand 座礁させる 〔~を〕立ち往生させる

In the aftermath of the disaster, hundreds of students have evacuated en masse. The group evacuation is expected to last for about two months. ➾mass evacuation                                          

※aftermath 余波 ※en masse 集団で、ひとまとめに

We would like to express our deepest sympathies to those who have lost their loved ones and those who have been severely affected by the disaster.