Japanese fashion giant Uniqlo is suing Chinese ultra-fast-fashion retailer Shein over copycats of its viral shoulder bag. The bag, sold for around ¥1,500 in Japan, has become a global hit, with Uniqlo warning consumers about counterfeits and similar products being sold online.
※copycat 模倣者、マネっ子 ※viral バズった
Fast Retailing demands the “immediate cessation of sales of the imitation products and compensation for damages incurred by the Company as a result of these sales.”

Made of nylon, it is available in 10 colors and can be worn on the shoulder or cross-body style.
※cross-body 身体と交差する➾斜め掛けの
➾a crescent-shaped pouch
➾popular banana-shaped it-bag ※it-bag 今最も旬なバッグ(ファッション業界用語)
➾"Mary Poppins carryall“ ※carryall 大型の旅行鞄 メリー・ポピンズがかばんから色々取り出す様子から。
The shoulder bag first began circulating on TikTok in 2022 and continued to blow up in popularity through 2023, with video creators praising its versatility, spaciousness, and affordability.
Videos of the bag have generated millions of "likes" online.
The most viral TikToks about the bag racked up millions of views, ranging from styling tips to “what’s in my bag” videos, unboxings and haul reviews.
※unboxing experience開封体験/ 〔入手したばかりの新しい製品などを〕箱から取り出す経験[こと]
※haul video最近購入した商品を見せて紹介するレビュー動画。 try on haul
haul動詞でグイッと引く、運搬する 名詞では大量の盗品、(話)1回の買い物の全購入品、一網の漁獲高

Founded in China in 2008, Shein ships its extremely cheap clothes to more than 150 countries.
Shein has no brick-and-mortar stores and sells exclusively online.
※brick-and-mortar store 実店舗、リアルショップ(オンラインに対して)➾physical store
It is facing many legal complaints of copyright infringement.