The stranded orcas were spotted by a fisherman.
※orcaシャチ➾killer whale
Concern is growing for the welfare of a pod of orcas that appear to have become trapped in drift ice off the coast of Hokkaido in northern Japan.
※a pod of~アザラシ、鯨などの小群 ※drift ice流氷
・a flock of sheep : 羊の群れ ※家畜、家禽など(ヤギやアヒルなど)
・a herd of deer : 鹿の群れ ※大型の草食動物(牛、象、鹿、トナカイなど)
・a pack of wolves : オオカミの群れ ※狩りをする肉食獣の群れ(コヨーテ、猟犬など
・a school of fish : 魚の群れ ※泳ぐ生き物(魚のほか、イルカや鯨も)
・a swarm of bees : 蜂の群れ ※群れを成す昆虫(バッタ、アリ、蛾、蚊など)
その他 a pride of lions : ライオンの群れ a tower of giraffes : キリンの群れ(キリンはherdでもOK)
an army of frogs : カエルの群れ a flight of swallows : ツバメの群れ a murder of crows(カラスの群れ)
a troop of monkeys(サルの群れ)
“I saw about 13 killer whales with their heads sticking out of a hole in the ice. They seemed to be struggling to breathe, and it looked like they included three or four calves.”
※stick out➾poke out
※calf=幼獣(ゾウ、カバ、サイ、クジラ、アザラシなど)/子牛 cubはキツネやクマやトラなどの肉食獣の子
The thick ice had made it impossible for the coast guard to attempt to free the mammals.
"We believe they were able to escape safely."

The Shiretoko peninsula, a UNESCO World Natural Heritage site famed for its abundant wildlife.
The drift ice signals the onset of winter in the coastal areas of the Sea of Okhotsk in Hokkaido. On Jan. 19, the Abashiri Local Meteorological Office confirmed that drift ice could be spotted from land with the naked eye for the first time this season.
※冬の到来を告げる:herald [signal] the arrival [advent, coming, oncoming, onset] of winter

The sightseeing icebreaker Aurora was filled with excited tourists marveling at up-close views of the drift ice.
※marvel at驚嘆する ※up-close〔観察・作画などが〕至近[非常に近い]距離からの、間近の、接近した