
After dropping a bombshell last month that he was newlywed, Los Angeles Dodgers player and baseball sensation Shohei Ohtani sent fans into a frenzy on Thursday, revealing the identity of his wife, who had until now remained a mystery.

※drop a bombshell爆弾を落とす drop one’s bombshell/drop the bombshell爆弾発言をする

※newly wed新婚の人 新婚夫婦=newlyweds/newly-married couple/a newlywed couple

彼は新婚ホヤホヤです➾He is just married. He is freshly married.など


Upon landing in Seoul, where Ohtani and the Dodgers were set to play their season opener (シーズン開幕戦)against the San Diego Padres,  Tanaka and the athlete were greeted by a sea of fans. Ohtani dressed in a black training suit and cap while Tanaka sported an all-black outfit.

※a sea of ~=たくさんの、やまほどの、海のような広がりの seas ofでもOK

A sea/seas of flame/blood火の海、血の海やa sea of difficulties山なす困難といったマイナスの例文も




Japan woke up to shocking news Thursday of the firing of baseball superstar Shohei Ohtani’s longtime interpreter, Ippei Mizuhara, by the Los Angeles Dodgers due to allegations of illegal gambling.

→constant companion of Ohtaniとかright-hand man.とかOhtani's high-profile interpreter

Mizuhara is a familiar face to baseball enthusiasts, as he is almost always seen by Ohtani's side.


The law firm representing Ohtani said in a statement that he had been the victim of “massive theft. At least $4.5m (£3.5m) was transferred from Ohtani's bank account to a bookmaker.

※bookmaker=競馬・スポーツ競技の賭博の胴元 辞書にはbanker/bookie(略)


Sports betting is legal in 38 states in America but it remains illegal in California. The MLB has its own rules against sports betting as well.


Los Angeles Dodgers pitcher Shohei Ohtani says he is "beyond shocked" that his translator allegedly stole his money for illegal sports betting. Ohtani said he was "very saddened" that "someone who I trusted has done this". 

He said he had never participated in sports betting and was not aware Mr Mizuhara was funnelling millions of dollars from the baseball player's bank account to pay off the translator's debts.

※funnel じょうご/じょうごを通す、資金等をつぎこむ、送り込む、情報等を提供する


Ohtani said he had referred the matter to his lawyers, who would handle the situation while he focused on the upcoming season. 

※legal representativesもあった

※refer A to B A(問題や事件)の解決等をBに委託する、付託する、委ねる、任せる

➾ Ohtani says he is letting his lawyers handle the alleged fraud while he focuses on the season.


Mizuhara has reportedly confessed that he is a gambling addict.

※addict 中毒患者 アクセントは一番前のa

Mizuhara openly confessed to losing more than $1 million by the close of 2022 due to gambling addiction. He said that none of the bets had anything to do with MLB matches.


Prosecutors allege Ippei Mizuhara stole more than $16 million from the Japanese baseball phenom to cover gambling debts.

※phenom 〔スポーツなどの〕非凡な人、天才 〈米俗〉

Mizuhara faces a maximum penalty of 30 years in prison if convicted of bank fraud.

※convict 有罪にする ※bank fraud銀行詐欺