
Shogun, a historical epic set in feudal Japan, claimed the prestigious best drama trophy at the Emmy Awards.

※historical epic(映画などの)歴史大作 ※epic 叙事詩、長編英雄小説 ※時代劇=period drama/period epic


“Shogun” took home 18 prizes including Outstanding Drama Series, as star and co-producer Hiroyuki Sanada became the first Japanese actor to win the Emmy for Outstanding Lead Actor.

※take home 獲得する、持ち帰る

※outstanding=傑出した、目立った、優れた エミー賞の場合は、outstandingが各賞の名称についています。


Set in the 17th Century, the story is told from the perspective of British hero John Blackthorne, a sailor who rises from outsider to samurai, while being used as a pawn in Japanese leader Toranaga's struggle to reach the top of the ruling chain or Shogun.


With most of its dialogue in Japanese with English subtitles, Shogun was an unlikely global hit.

※subtitlesしばしば複数形で(映画の)字幕、説明字幕 スーパー(caption)

※dialogue 対話、(小説や劇の)会話部分


Sanada debuted as a child actor in Japan and quickly rose to become a top action star. His career reached a turning point in 2003, when he appeared in “The Last Samurai,” which starred Tom Cruise. It became a global box-office hit.


Sanada brings authenticity to Hollywood(タイトル)


For the past 20 years, Sanada has been fighting to correct the bizarre and stereotypical depictions of Japan often seen in Hollywood films. Sanada said, “I want my generation to be the one that dispels the strange stereotypes of Japanese characters.”

※bizarre 奇妙な、風変りな➣


His long effort culminated in the massive success of “Shogun.”

※culminate in ついに~となる、最高潮に達する ➾bring to fruition 実を結ぶ


Sanada brought in period drama experts from Japan to collaborate with the Hollywood staff. They worked behind the scenes, poring over sets, props, costumes, and the actors' movements. Sanada described the series as an “East meets West dream project.”

※裏方=behind-the-scenes staff/stage crew/stage technician/stagehand

※props propertyの略 小道具(通例複数) 

※pore over/through じっくり見る、詳細に調べる


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