
On the morning of Sept. 18, The 10-year-old boy was stabbed in the abdomen by a knife-wielding Chinese man. The boy was walking to Shenzhen Japanese School with a parent. He died in a hospital the following morning.


※abdomen 【解剖】腹部➾belly/stomach

※wield 【文】武器等を振り回す、権力をふるう


The assailant, a 44-year-old man, was arrested on the spot.

※assailant 襲撃者 v:assail〔əséil〕攻撃する、襲撃する ※発音注意

※on the spot➾red-handed

A male suspect was apprehended near the school shortly after the incident.

※apprehend 〔犯罪者などを〕逮捕する、取り押さえる  arrestよりも格式張った表現

While Chinese authorities have not disclosed the suspect‘s motive, speculation has been rife that the stabbing was linked to the 93rd anniversary of a Japanese bombing of a railroad track near Shenyang, the start of the Manchurian Incident.(満州事変)

※motive 動機 ※rife(悪疫やうわさが)広まって


The stabbing of the boy was the third high-profile attack on foreigners in China in recent months. In June, a man targeted a Japanese mother and her child near a Japanese school, and that led to the death of a Chinese national who had tried to protect them.

※high-profile 人の注意を引くような、注目を集める、目立った


The killing of the boy has sparked anxiety and fear among Japanese expats living in China, with top firms warning their workers to be vigilant. Some Japanese companies are offering to repatriate employees.

※spark 引き起こす、かきたてる

※expat=expatriate 海外在住者/海外在住の

※vigilant 警戒して

※repatriate 本国に帰還する


Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida called the attack "extremely despicable" and said Tokyo had "strongly urged" Beijing for an explanation "as soon as possible".

※despicable 〈軽蔑的〉〔人・行為が〕見下げはてた、卑劣な

Foreign Minister Yoko Kamikawa urged Beijing to crack down on online anti-Japan posts.

※crack down on 取り締まる

Asked about the possibility of reviewing its advisory for Japanese nationals traveling to China, Chief Secretary Hayashi said the government will make "an appropriate decision" by taking into account various factors, including the local security situation.


Chinese authorities have repeatedly called the stabbing an "isolated incident", as they did for two previous incidents this year. ➾“individual case”

The Chinese Foreign Ministry described the case as “accidental.” That description suggested that Japanese nationals were not specifically targeted in the attack.


Under Xi, the Chinese Communist Party has long cultivated nationalism to shore up legitimacy. In some cases, the anger appears to have been fanned by the Chinese government and state media to exert pressure on Tokyo, such as the coordinated outrage last year over Japan’s release of treated wastewater from the Fukushima nuclear plant. Antipathy towards Japan certainly runs deep.  

※shore up legitimacy 合法性を強化する、支える

※antipathy 嫌悪、反感、毛嫌い ⇔sympathy ※run deep根深い


A former Japanese diplomat said Wednesday's attack was the "result of long years of anti-Japan education" in Chinese schools. “The extreme nationalist hate education against Japan has been prevalent in China for a long time. It has obscured some Chinese people’s understanding of Japan, and even indulged ignorance and evil.”

※obscure 見えなくする、にぶらせる

※indulge 甘やかす、思い通りにさせる


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