
Bicyclists caught pedaling while under the influence of alcohol or using a smartphone face tougher penalties including potential jail time under the revised Road Traffic Law, which takes effect on Nov. 1.

※bicyclist自転車やバイクに乗る人➾bicycler/bicycle rider/biker/cyclist/cycler


※under the influence of alcohol 酒の影響を受けて、酒気帯び状態で


Until now, only cases where the cyclist was in an intoxicated state and unable to ride safely were penalized.


車の場合の飲酒運転は、略語でDWI=driving while intoxicated またはDUI=driving under the influence of alcohol

DUIは麻薬の影響下の運転にも使いますdriving under the influence of a drug


People caught using their phone -- for calls, texts or just looking at it -- face imprisonment of up to six months or a fine of up to 100,000 yen. If they cause an accident, they face a prison term of up to one year or a fine of up to 300,000 yen.

※text メールを打つ ※imprisonment懲役 ※fine罰金


Accidents involving distracted cyclists on smartphones have been rising nationwide.

※distracted driver 注意力散漫な、前方不注意の

There were 295 accidents caused by cyclists using mobile phones between 2013 and 2017, but the number of cases increased by more than 50 percent to 454 in the following five-year period, the National Police Agency(警察庁NPA) said.


The Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department surveyed intersections across the country from December 2023 to January 2024.

※The Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department 警視庁=MPD ※intersection交差点

At least four were seen using smartphones while bicycling―three held a smartphone in one hand, either focused on the screen or interacting with it, while one was talking on the phone.

※focus on the screen画面に集中する➾stare/gaze at the screenやfix one's eyes on

※interact with ~デバイス等を操作する、~を使ってやりとりをする


see: 自然と視界に入る look: 意識的に視線を向ける watch: 動くものをじっと見る