
girl dinner:冷蔵庫にある調理不要の食べ物を適当に組み合わせた手抜き料理


A: I don’t have the energy to make a real dinner tonight.

B: Same here. I’m having a girl dinner―just some cheese, crackers, olives, and a few other goodies I found in the fridge.

A: Sounds perfect! Quick, easy, and tasty!


※『帽子』から『かぶせて隠す』の連想で生まれたようです。No cap.なら、I’m not lying. うそじゃないよ!となります。

A: Bob said he could lift twice his body weight at the gym.

B: That’s total cap. I happen to know he can’t lift even half his own weight.

A: That’s what I thought.



A: I finally got to try a hamburger at that place that opened in front of the station last week.

B: How was it?

A: It was bussin’!

The patty was juicy, and the sauce made it even better.


※元々は行儀の悪いガキの意味のbratですが、英国のアーティストが、“Kamara IS brat”と投稿して新しい意味を得ました。

A: It’s cool how Kelly is never afraid to speak her mind even with men.

B: Yeah, she’s totally brat.

A: I bet women like her are going to lead the world soon.

cash grab:手っ取り早く儲けるためのもの・こと


A: What do you think of that movie remake?

It doesn’t seem worth seeing to me.

B: Yeah, it’s nothing more than a cash grab.

They’re just trying to make money off the fans of the original.

the ick:相手の行為に対して突然沸き起こる嫌悪感


A: I don’t think I can keep seeing Dave after this thing he did last night.

B: What’d he do?

A: He was eating with his mouth open, and it gave me the ick.