A former deputy branch manager at MUFG Bank Ltd. was arrested by the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department on Jan. 14 on suspicion of stealing customers’ money and valuables from safety deposit boxes.
※貸金庫 safe-deposit box/bank box等
タイトル:Former bank staffer arrested after safe deposit boxes pilfered
タイトル:MUFG Bank announces 'malfeasance' by an employee
※malfeasance 〔特に公務員の〕不正行為、背任行為

Yukari Imamura, 46, is suspected of stealing around 20 kilograms of gold bars worth around 260 million yen deposited by two male customers at the bank's Nerima branch in Tokyo.
※gold bar金塊(延べ棒状の) ➾gold bullion金の延べ棒
辞書で金塊=lump of gold/gold nugget(天然の)/gold ingot(れんが状の)/gold block
The stolen gold was pawned at seven pawnshops in Tokyo and Chiba Prefecture for a total of 170 million yen.
※pawn 質、質入れ、人質/動詞:~を質に入れる、
※質屋=pawnshop/pawnbroker’s shop/pawnbroker
The incident came to light at the end of October last year when a customer noticed the theft. In November, the bank dismissed Imamura as a disciplinary measure for stealing money and items from safety deposit boxes.
※懲戒免職になるbe dismissed for disciplinary reasons
辞書で懲戒解雇=punitive discharge/punitive dismissal
Imamura maintained a solid reputation at her workplace. Employees who initially joined the bank in a non-career position and get promoted to deputy branch manager’s positions usually demonstrate reliable performance.
※solid reputation 確固たる評判
※一般職non-career position ⇔career position general staff⇔専門職professional staff
Imamura had been spending the money on foreign exchange margin trading (FX) and horse racing.
She incurred a loss of 1 billion yen in FX trading alone and had large debts through loans from consumer finance companies.
※incur (a) loss損をする、損害を被る、赤字になる incur=(負債や損害を)負う
Yukari Imamura is believed to have funneled stolen funds into speculative trades.
During an internal investigation, she reportedly confessed, "I diverted the stolen cash and goods to FX trading."