
タイトル SAG strike: Actors join writers on Hollywood picket lines

The strike by the Screen Actors Guild-American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (Sag-Aftra), which begins on Friday, is the first time in 63 years that Hollywood writers and actors are striking simultaneously. 

Writers said they were heartened to be joined on the picket lines by actors.

※Gはguild同業組合、同職組合 →union

※picket lineストライキなどの際、妨害者の通行を阻止するためにつくった横隊

ストライキをするはgo on strikeやwalk out、walk outもOK

※simultaneously 同時に➾concurrently.

➾the first tandem(縦並びの、連係した) strike in the industry since 1960


The year was 1960. As television threatened to upend the film industry, actors and writers united to demand fair compensation.


An actor named Ronald Reagan was president of the Screen Actors Guild. The union fired up about residuals  (a type of royalty) over films licensed to or sold to TV.

※fire up 憤慨する、いきり立つ

※residuals 〔テレビ番組を再放送する際に役者や作家に支払われる〕再使用料


At issue are residuals on streaming services and the use of artificial intelligence.

Both writers and actors have complained that they have been undercut and make far less money than they used to.

※undercut 〔~の〕下を切り取る〔競業など〕より安く売る、〔人より〕安い賃金で働く

ある俳優の言葉“The residuals that I get when it’s on network television versus what I would get on Netflix are night and day,”

night and day=①昼も夜も② 〈比喩〉夜と昼(のようにまるで正反対の存在)、雲泥[天地]の差


SAG-AFTRA president said during the guild’s Thursday press conference. “It came with great sadness that we came to this crossroads. But we had no choice. We are being victimized by a very greedy entity. If we don't stand tall right now, we are all going to be in trouble. We are all going to be in jeopardy of being replaced by machines.”

※crossroad〈米〉交差道路、十字路 ※crossroads=岐路、重大な決定を下すべき時


※in jeopardy危険にさらされて


The combined strike by Hollywood actors and screenwriters is entering its second week with no sign of a swift ending.