
A worker who was conducting the extermination of a hornet's hive was stung by a hornet and became unconscious. He was transported to a hospital but was later confirmed dead. It is reported that he was wearing protective clothing.

※exterminate(望ましくないものを)根絶する、撲滅する ➾exterminator 撲滅者、害虫、害獣駆除業者

※hornet スズメバチ ➾wasp/yellow jacket


In Japan, about 10 to 20 people a year are killed during extermination work against wasps, which have powerful poisonous stings.=毒針

Unlike honey bees, which can sting once and then die, yellow jackets and other hornets can sting multiple times.


Wasps become more territorial and aggressive around late summer and early fall as food becomes scarce. When wasps recognize an enemy, they secrete an alarm pheromone and attack in groups.


※secrete 分泌する


Honey bees are an important pollinator for many crops, while yellow jackets are predators that can harm honey bee colonies.

※pollen 花粉 pollinate 授粉する※predator 捕食動物、肉食動物、略奪者

The decline in honey bee populations is a matter of concern, as it has far-reaching consequences for agriculture, food security, and biodiversity.


Duskin has been providing pest control services for a long time. Wasp extermination involves the risk of stings and the danger of working at heights as nests are sometimes built in high places. The drone has a vacuum function and sucked up the flying insects and the nest using a tube with a widened tip like a trumpet. Manual labor was considered essential to remove nests, but the use of drones dramatically increases safety.

※manual labor 手作業、肉体労働