
Kobayashi Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. said it has confirmed a fifth death and 114 hospitalizations possibly linked to its dietary supplements made with benikoji, a red yeast. Its factory was searched by Japanese health officials.

※red yeast 紅色酵母➾rice mold、malted rice ingredient、red fermented rice 等


The company has recalled products with Beni-Koji after receiving reports of kidney ailments. The ministry official warned there could be more victims and called on people to avoid ingesting benikoji.

※kidney腎臓 ※ailment病気、疾患(慢性の)

※ingest (食物を)取り入れる、経口摂取する➾consume  ⇔egest 体内から排出する


Three of the five deceased had pre-existing diseases such as prostate cancer,  the health ministry, and Japanese Society of Nephrology (日本腎臓学会)said.

※pre-existing disease 基礎疾患、持病

※nephrology 腎臓学  ギリシャ語:nephros=kidney

コレステロールを下げる効果をうたった「紅麹コレステヘルプ」は「機能性表示食品」=foods with function claims(FCC)。

The FCC tag refers to food products labeled with specific health benefits based on scientific evidence. The product in question was touted to lower cholesterol levels.

※tout 大げさに宣伝する、うるさく勧める。

特定保健用食品(トクホ)=Food for Specified Health Uses (FOSHU)とは異なり、国が安全性と機能性の審査を行い許可したものではありません。

Unlike Food for Specified Health Uses, foods with function claims products have not undergone individual evaluation by the Consumer Affairs Agency.(消費者庁).


At least two compounds not normally found in the supplements were detected.

➾unintended substances. The health ministry is trying to identify them.

※detect 検出する

