In Japan, “customer harassment” — customers harassing front-line workers with aggressive behavior or unreasonable requests — has become an increasing problem in the service industry, prompting municipalities and companies to take stricter measures.
見出し Tokyo weighing ordinance to fight customer harassment
The Tokyo Metropolitan Government is currently drafting an ordinance to curb customer harassment. If approved by the assembly, it will be the first of its kind in the nation.
An irritated customer queuing up at a store complains nonstop to a cash clerk for 10 minutes straight over how long the line is.
A passenger on a bus throws a fit after the driver says prepaid IC cards can’t be used.
※throw a fitかんかんに怒る、かっとなる ➾lose one’s temper/vent one’s anger怒りをぶちまける
コールセンターのスタッフを "バカ "とか "役立たず "と罵倒
Some customers berate shop assistants or call center staff, calling them "idiots" or "good for nothings."
※be good at nothing役立たずである
Harassments range from verbal abuse to being forced to bow down on hands and knees.
※土下座する bow oneself to the ground/get down on one's knees/kneel down on the ground
A resident points a camera at a city hall employee and threatens to post their face and name online. Some local governments have decided to remove its employees’ names and headshots from their name tags to prevent unauthorized photographing and leakage of personal information on social media.
※headshot人の頭部の写真〔証明書用〕正面顔写真 mug shotになると警察が撮る容疑者、犯罪者の顔写真
East Japan Railway announced its own policy against customer harassment last week, stating that it will not tolerate customers who resort to acts of violence, coercion, or slander, or those who make discriminatory comments and photograph employees and post the images on social media without consent.
※tolerate 許容する、大目に見る、我慢する
※resort to (ある手段に)訴える、~を用いる
※coercion 強制、強要、無理じい
※slander 中傷、悪口【法】口頭による名誉棄損