
➣The mistake occurred in early April when Abu officials were sending ¥100,000 to each of its 463 low-income households(低所得世帯) affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. But in the process, they mistakenly transferred a lump sum of (一括で)¥46.3 million to a single man’s bank account.

➣The municipal government had erroneously sent the relief funds to his bank account.

給付金は、relief fundが多く、COVID-19 subsidiesなどもありました。

誤っては、mistakenly、by mistake、erroneously、accidentally

送金する:send/transfer/wire to his bank account/remit                                       


➣According to the city, the 24-year-old recipient initially agreed to return the money. But the man later admitted to having moved the money, telling officials that he is unable to return it. He has been quoted as saying he is willing to “atone for the sin. ” Since then, the town has not been able to contact him.  

※atone for罪などを償う、贖う


➣He has admitted he gambled away the entire amount in the space of a fortnight.

※gamble away〈金を〉賭け事で失う[すってしまう]

※fortnight 【名】〈主に英〉2週間

➾spent all the money at an online casino

➾lose all the money on gambling

➾blow all the money on overseas casino websites

※blow money on ~にお金を無駄遣いする 「くだらないものに大金を費やす」といったニュアンスでwaste money よりも口語的表現



➣Yamaguchi prefectural police arrested Taguchi Sho on suspicion of computer fraud late on Wednesday.


➣The mayor of Abu, Norihiko Hamada, apologized for the clerical error that caused the costly mishap.

➣He described the man’s actions as “unforgivable” and said the town would do its utmost to recover the money but legal experts said the town was unlikely to recoup its losses.

※recoup=損失などを取り戻す →recover/collect


➣At a news conference at Abu’s municipal office, Mayor Norihiko Hanada and the town’s lawyer announced that 42,993,434 yen was recovered from the three online payment service agencies(決済代行業者) the resident had sent the funds to.

“We legally recovered (the money) through means including seizures of the bank accounts of the three companies (the online payment service agencies) under t(国税徴収法).

弁護士は、National Tax Collection Law(国税徴収法)を基づき、男性が決済業者に有していたとされる債権を全額差し押さえる=seizureという策で、ピンチを大逆転させました。

➣The lawyer's ability to utilize several legal technicalities in unison to pull off this reversal of fortunes, has even amazed others in the law profession.

※pull off 成功する、やり遂げる、切り抜ける

※reversal of fortunes 逆転 辞書には『金持ちから一挙に貧乏になること』もあり。


辞書でみると『大逆転』はbig reversalやdramatic reversalなど

come-from-behind victoryやupset victoryはスポーツの世界での逆転です。

